NEDA Network Announces No Diet Day, May 6th!

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NEDA Network Announces No Diet Day, May 6th!
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By NEDA Staff

NEDA Network Announces No Diet Day, May 6th!

The NEDA Network, a collaboration between NEDA and other like-minded eating disorders organizations, is working to promote No Diet Day, taking place on May 6, 2019.  Network organizations are supporting No Diet Day to encourage the rejection of diet culture and the elimination of shame associated with society’s standards of beauty and respect for all body shapes and sizes.

May 6th will mark the NEDA Network’s first national #NoDietDay social media campaign. We encourage you all to mark the day on your calendars and plan to participate!

Here’s what you can do on May 6th to support #NoDietDay

  1. Share NEDA’s social media posts and graphics about No Diet Day that day (don’t forget to use the hashtags #NoDietDay and #NEDANetwork).
  2. When you share our posts (or create your own!), tell us how you reject diet culture!
  3. Log onto Twitter and participate in our #NoDietDay Twitter Chat from 2:00-3:00 pm EST.

And, if you’re near Ashville, North Carolina, you’re in for a treat! NEDA Network member Carolina Resource Center for Eating Disorders, with Veritas Collaborative, will host a workshop in support of a more balanced relationship with food and body image on May 6, 2019 from 5:30-7:30pm for a presentation, discussion, and book signing with Becca Clegg, LPC, CEDS-S, author of Ending the Diet Mindset. For more information and/or to register, please click here

The week prior to May 6th, we’ll feature two blog posts—one from NEDA Ambassador Ragen Chastain and another from Be Nourished co-founder Dana Sturtevant, MS, RD—setting the stage for No Diet Day by discussing diet culture and reasons why to resist it.

Sharable Graphics

No diet day Infographic

Thank you to our NEDA Network members for your dedication to resisting diet culture and organizing to promote No Diet Day on May 6th! 

The NEDA Network, a collaboration between NEDA and other like-minded eating disorders organizations, is working to promote No Diet Day, taking place on May 6, 2019.  Network organizations are supporting No Diet Day to encourage the rejection of diet culture and the elimination of shame associated with society’s standards of beauty and respect for all body shapes and sizes.

May 6th will mark the NEDA Network’s first national #NoDietDay social media campaign. We encourage you all to mark the day on your calendars and plan to participate!

Here’s what you can do on May 6th to support #NoDietDay

  1. Share NEDA’s social media posts and graphics about No Diet Day that day (don’t forget to use the hashtags #NoDietDay and #NEDANetwork).
  2. When you share our posts (or create your own!), tell us how you reject diet culture!
  3. Log onto Twitter and participate in our #NoDietDay Twitter Chat from 2:00-3:00 pm EST.

And, if you’re near Ashville, North Carolina, you’re in for a treat! NEDA Network member Carolina Resource Center for Eating Disorders, with Veritas Collaborative, will host a workshop in support of a more balanced relationship with food and body image on May 6, 2019 from 5:30-7:30pm for a presentation, discussion, and book signing with Becca Clegg, LPC, CEDS-S, author of Ending the Diet Mindset. For more information and/or to register, please click here

The week prior to May 6th, we’ll feature two blog posts—one from NEDA Ambassador Ragen Chastain and another from Be Nourished co-founder Dana Sturtevant, MS, RD—setting the stage for No Diet Day by discussing diet culture and reasons why to resist it.

Sharable Graphics

No diet day Infographic

Thank you to our NEDA Network members for your dedication to resisting diet culture and organizing to promote No Diet Day on May 6th! 

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